Amy of Oxfordshire

This is the view that I see when I pull into the parking lot of the park I walk in every morning. It has been an unusually cold and snowy winter this year in New York, as it seems to be in many other parts of the country and in Europe.

When I finally received a box in the mail with this Royal Mail stamp last week I was very excited, as I knew this was a package that was sent to me in November by Melanie, from the blog Jellybeanangel 2, as a Christmas gift! We had feared that this package may have been lost due to all the bad weather that the post office in England and the USA had to deal with between then and now.

Inside the box I found Melanie's Christmas card, some interesting literature about Samlesbury Hall in England which I had seen photos on Melanie's blog, and assorted canceled postage stamps that Melanie knows that I enjoy collecting.

The best surprise was unwrapped to show.......

........this beautiful doll called "Amy," that was hand made by Melanie! She is holding a heart button that Melanie bought at Waterperry Gardens in her home town of Oxfordshire in the United Kingdom.

Melanie had displayed Amy, and other dolls that she made, in a post on her blog in the fall, and I exclaimed over how pretty I thought Amy's multicolored curls looked! She was my favorite of all the dolls, and I am so touched that in friendship Melanie sent her to me as a gift, as I know how special Amy was to her!

I am always in awe of all the beautiful hand crafted things that Melanie makes, from sewing projects, quilts, knits, crochet, applique art, or stained glass. There are always multiple hand made creations on her blog, plus often wonderful photos of walking tours of the beautiful English countryside, or a visit to a castle or another historical area, that she takes with her family.  Reading Melanie's blog over the years I've greatly admired all of her talents, energy and enthusiasm!

 Melanie, and now Amy -- you both brighten my day! Thank you so much!

I'm adding this link to Beverly's  Pink Saturday on her blog How Sweet the Sound.Please visit Beverly today to see links to everyone's beautiful blog posts full of pink!

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