NYC's Blizzard of 2010

This is how my husband spent yesterday.....digging out from over two feet of snow that we received overnight the day before. The snow drifts were as high as three feet in some places as high winds also accompanied the storm.  New York City's response to snowstorms is usually quite excellent, and the Department of Sanitation begins plowing and salting the street immediately, but for some reason the response to this storm was very poor and as of today many of the streets have not been plowed at all. 
Neither my husband nor my daughter were able to take mass transit to work the past two days as there were no buses or trains running in both of our neighborhoods in Brooklyn, either yesterday or today. Totally unacceptable, as far as we are concerned! Luckily my husband's boss was understanding, sadly for my daughter, her boss was not.  Her boss, who lives in Manhattan and was easily able to travel to mid-town where the office is located, has no idea how impossible travel can be when mass transit is not working in the outer boroughs and the streets have not been plowed.

In Brooklyn most subway lines are elevated and go underground only as they approach northern Brooklyn and the East River.  This is what it looked like near the train stations:

Walls of snow!  Imagine having to walk over these mounds of snow just to cross the street? The stairs to the subway platforms were also covered with snow.

It certainly has been a challenge to deal with all of this the past few days but at least we've had electricity and heat and have been safely at home.   Thanks for all those who e-mailed me to ask if we were OK!  It could have been a lot worse. What a way to end 2010!

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