I could not believe my good fortune as I was able to travel to Sydney, Australia, last week when my husband was asked to assist in an internal audit for the Australian division of the company he works for. We had a wonderful time in the land "down under," and found Sydney to be a beautiful and interesting city. I took the photos above from the Taronga Zoo which is across the bay from the Central Business District of Sydney.
The iconic Sydney Opera House and the Harbor Bridge are very recognizable, as well as the new and glittering skyline. Kangaroos and koala bears are a few of the indigenous animals found in the continent of Australia and I had a perfect view of them, among other animals, in the zoo.
The video below is of a Australian didgeridoo musician playing on the Circular Quay and a little boy who was dancing along to the music.
Our trip to and from Australia was over 20 hours of combined flight, as we had to first fly to San Francisco, so I am still getting over a bit of jet lag, and catching up with life at home, but I will be showing many more photos from this wonderful city in the next few posts and I hope you return to view more sights and sounds of Sydney.
***Amended, Monday March 7th: The winner of my Scentsy Give Away was picked by the Random.org number generator.
I had a total of 113 entries. The number that was generated was number 8 .. Jenny of the blog Jenny Matlock! Congratulations, Jenny! I will be contacting you with my Scentsy representative's phone number and web site and you can order your warmer and waxes directly from her and she will bill me. I think you will love this product as much as I do!
If anyone wishes to buy Scentsy products you can do so directly from my representative by clicking on her link which is on my blog sidebar. Thanks to all who participated in my give away! I hope to do this again sometime soon, so please keep checking back!
I'm linking with Mary of the Little Red House Mosaic Monday. Thanks Mary for hosting this wonderful event every week.