The 2010 New York City ING Marathon was held on Sunday, November 7. The mosaic above was made with photos I took last year as I stood on 4th Avenue and 26th Street in Brooklyn, New York. It was so chilly at race time this year that my feet got cold and I didn't take my gloves off to take photos, I just cheered on as many runners as I could before giving up and going back home. Sometimes it takes a lot of endurance just to be a marathon observer!
There were over 45,000 runners in the competition this year, and I had hoped to see the Chilean miner Edison Pena, but unfortunately he didn't pass by while I was watching. Pena was among 33 miners in Chili who were rescued last month after a cave-in trapped them nearly a half-mile underground for 69 days. He spent hours running in the mine to keep his spirits up and to inspire the other miners to stay strong.
Pena crossed the Central Park finish line at 3:24 p.m., with a time of 5 hours, 40 minutes, 51 seconds. He had knee pain, and had to walk much of the course, but he ultimately finished and met his goal of completing the 26.219 mile marathon course through the city's five boroughs in six hours.
This year's winners in all the different marathon divisions can be seen at this link.
Last year over $25 million was raised by the NYC Marathon for charity and that number is expected to be broken in the final tally after this year's race.
I'm adding this post to Mary of The Little Red House Mosaic Monday event. Thanks Mary!