Brooklyn Celebrity Path

Among the walkways in the beautiful Brooklyn Botanic Garden, located in Brooklyn, New York, is an interesting path where stepping - stones are inscribed with names of famous Brooklynites, both past and present

Each celebrity honored has his or her name embedded in an 18-by-24-inch concrete paver and decorated with a stylized leaf outline in bronze

At irregular intervals along the way, approximately 100 artists, poets, performers, and athletes who were born or have lived in Brooklyn are honored.

Each paver also contains a bronze medallion of the Brooklyn Bridge, encircled by the phrase "The Greatness of Brooklyn Is Its People." New names are added to Celebrity Path each June during the borough's annual "Welcome Back to Brooklyn Day."

This photo mosaic shows a representative of the many stones along the path. To enlarge the photo double click it.  It is Brooklyn's answer to Hollywood's "Walk of Fame"!

Among the names are Mel Brooks, Woody Allen, Mary Tyler Moore, Barbra Streisand, Mae West, Maurice Sendak, Maryann Moore, Walt Whitman, Harry Houdini, Larry King, Mickey Rooney, Neil Simon, Connie Stevens, Jerry Stiller, Danny Kaye, Richard Tucker, and many many more!  To see a longer list visit this web site

The Brooklyn Celebrity Path meanders through Austrian pines, rhododendrons, and daffodils.  It is located just south of the Japanese Hill and Pond Garden. and across from the Shakespeare Garden.  It is fun to walk along it and find the familiar names.

Were you surprised to see how many famous people originated from Brooklyn, New York?  Who is the most famous resident, either past or present, from where you live ?

I'm part of Mary's "Mosaic Monday" on her blog Little Red House today.  Please visit Mary to see her photo mosaic and  to find links to other participating blogs.  Thank you, Mary!

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