Flower Daze

My husband and I have been quite busy lately visiting florists and wedding flower showrooms trying to help our daughter decide what flowers and arrangements she and her fiance would like to have at their spring wedding ceremony and reception.  Since my daughter now lives across the country, it has to be done with the help of websites and photos and lots of telephone and e-mail conversations.  It's not the easiest way to get this feature of the wedding plans done, but I have had a lot of fun photographing pretty flowers along the way, as you can see in this collage of some that caught my eye.   Shades of purple are my daughter's color of choice, but I couldn't resist also taking photos of some of the autumn hues, as they are my favorite!

We've had so much rain the past week that my flower box impatiens flowers have all perked up!

I love how they flower all summer long and fill my yard with beautiful color.

Daylight is shortening, and the end of August fast approaches, but I know summer will not be over until the figs on my tree ripen. Maybe yet another week or so?   It is always an exciting time for us!

 What are you doing to enjoy these last weeks of summer?

"Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time."   ~John Lubbock

I'm linking with "Rednesday" on Sue's blog It's A Very Cherry World and  "Outdoor Wednesday" on Susan's Blog A Southern Daydreamer. Thanks for hosting each week!!

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