I seem to be living out of a suitcase these days, as I hop from one place to another, but I really wouldn't have it any other way as I love to travel. Any opportunity that comes my way to go somewhere I am seizing the moment with full abandon. I am a person who has lived her entire life in the same place, even down the same block in Brooklyn, New York, so I find it invigorating to live vicariously somewhere else for a few days. My husband and I took a quick trip to Chicago, Illinois, this past weekend. It was my first trip to the windy city, but it certainly won't be my last, as I absolutely loved it! Even though the temperature went from a hot and humid 80's on Thursday to cold and rainy 50's on Saturday, it didn't ruin our fun. Today's photo mosaic is just a quick overview of some of the special sights my husband and I saw while we were there. More to follow soon! (The mosaic will enlarge in size for easier view if double clicked on)
Linking to Mosaic Monday on Mary's blog The Little Red House