My Grandsons

When we flew home from Ireland last week we flew out to Colorado the very same day. We had lots of jet lag, but also lots of excitement about meeting our precious new grandson!  He was such a good baby and we could see him growing each day right before our eyes,

He got lots of snuggles, hugs and kisses from his Nonna and Nonno, and did a lot of sleeping, as newborn babies like to do.  Meanwhile, we had lots of fun with our older grandson, and the very first thing we did was go to see a Sesame Street Live show!

Our little guy was mesmerized by seeing his favorite characters bigger than life sized!

He kept us busy all week long. We visited the Easter bunny at a local mall, went to playgrounds and parks, tagged along to music class, took walks to look for flowers, read lots of story books and played with his train sets and construction vehicles, dyed Easter eggs, and generally had lots of fun together!
Needless to say now that we are back home in New York we will miss our little grandsons so very much.  It is always hard to have to leave them, but we hope to see them again very soon and that thought makes me happy!

I will be continuing with a few more posts about our trip to Northern Ireland, very soon.   I hope you will join me again then!

Linking with Mary at The Little Red House for "Mosaic Monday"

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