Happy Pink Saturday ~ Happy 4th of July!

Many New Yorkers live in apartments without balconies or decks, so they love to go to their local city park to sit on the grass and get some sun on a weekend or holiday. This is Madison Square Park located on  6.2 acres between 23rd and 26th streets and Fifth and Madison Avenues, that offers flourishing gardens, lush lawns and cultural programs for all ages.

The park is surrounded by some magnificent and historical buildings, as you can see in the photo collage above. From left to right you can see The Empire State building, The Metropolitan Life Clock Tower building, The New York Life building, and The Flatiron building.

The park was also surrounded by magnificent pink hydrangeas the day I visited recently.

Along almost every fence there were flowers in bloom!

Some beautiful pink astilbes in front of blue hydrangeas in this section of the park.

Beautiful shades of pink hydrangeas of all kinds were a delight to see. All photos will enlarge for close up viewing if you click on them once and then again when they open in a new window.  Use your browser's back arrow to return to the post.

There were also American flags surrounding a portion of the fence of Madison Square Park in front of the Eternal Light Flagstaff that honors the World War 1 Veterans.  It was dedicated on Armistice Day, November 11, 1923, and it is the site where the New York Veterans Day parade concludes and where official ceremonies are conducted.  If you look closely at the photo above you can see the very decorative base of the flag pole....

....and this is looking up toward Old Glory, the American flag! 
May she ever wave free for the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Happy Pink Saturday!  Happy 4th of July!

I'm linking this post to the "Pink Saturday" event at Becverly's blog, How Sweet The Sound. Please visit Beverly this weekend to see a long list of blogs participating in Pink Saturday with their pink and or patriotic posts!

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