Happy Mother's Day!

“Most of all the other beautiful things in life come by twos and threes, by dozens and hundreds. Plenty of roses, stars, sunsets, rainbows, brothers and sisters, aunts and cousins, comrades and friends—but only one mother in the whole world.”  ~ Kate Douglas Wiggin

This will be the first Mother's Day I will spend without my Mom, as she went to her eternal rest in January.  I searched for photos of her and I together when I was a baby and found very few.  It was such a busy time in her life when I was born. Not only was she caring for my older brother and sister, but also my paternal grandmother had broken her hip and needed crutches to walk, so she had come to live with us.

My Mother always wanted to be a registered nurse, and was so proud of me when I became one.  When she became an adult World War II was going on, so she went to work in a war plant, as many women did at that time. Both she and my dad were born and raised in mining towns in Pennsylvania, but they met and married in New York.  Sadly, my Mom became a young widow when my Dad died when I was eighteen. By then I also had a younger brother and my Mom had to raise him alone.

A few years after we were married my husband and I bought a house just down the block from my Mom, so we were together often.  Here I am holding my newborn son after I got him ready to go out for his first stroll in his baby carriage. My Mom had come over to help, and take a walk with us.  I remember being so happy to have become a Mother, myself ! By this time my mother was a grandmother of five and eventually would have eight grandchildren and later twelve great grandchildren.

Through the years my Mom and I celebrated many happy times together, and many, many wonderful Mother's Day. Everyday, when I go out of my house, I still think I see my Mother down the block puttering in her garden or pushing her shopping cart on the way to the store. She always wanted to remain dependant and fortunately her good health helped her remain that way all her life.  It is still hard to believe she is gone. I am so glad we were able to spend so much time together through the years, and she will always be in my heart. Happy Mother's Day in heaven, Mom!

Of course my children always remember me for Mother's Day, and soon my sweet daughter, who was enjoying her first birthday in this photo will be getting married!  It will be one of the happiest days for all of us.  The years pass too quickly -- one day she is a babe in my arms and now I'll soon  see her exchange vows with the love of her life. So, if I am quiet on my blog and not visiting your blog for awhile, you'll know why, as it is a very busy time right now. I'll be sharing photos of the happy day as soon as I return!

Wishing you all a very happy Mother's Day!

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