April Note Card Party

Vee, at the delightful blog A Haven For Vee has decided after the success of her first Note Card Party event in March to make it a permanent event that will happen the third week of every month!   What participants are asked to do is choose four photos that we previously published on our blogs in a prior blog post, choosing photos that we think would make beautiful or interesting note cards. Last month I shared special New York City photographs.

The photos I chose this month are beautiful photos a good friend's daughter, Lauren, took for me of the National  Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington DC, which I published on this post in April of 2009.

Try as I might, I never seem to be able to make it down to Washington DC to attend this festival, although it has been almost a life long dream of mine to see it!  Even when my son was an undergraduate at a university in Washington DC for four years and then lived and worked there for two years afterward, something always seemed to come up during the month of April to keep me in New York. Thankfully, Lauren, who now lives and works in DC, was kind enough to share her photos with me, and I thought you would all enjoy seeing them again.  I think they would make gorgeous note cards, don't you?

I believe the National Cherry Blossom Festival occurred early in March this year, due to the unusually warm weather the East coast has been experiencing on and off all winter and spring.  Even if I wasn't so busy clearing out and closing up my Mother's house, and doing last minute preparations for my daughter's wedding, I probably still would have missed it, as I would have made hotel reservations for April instead of March, when the cherry trees all bloomed!

Wish me luck for next year's festival -- I really want to see them in person one day!

I'm adding this post to Pink Satuday on Beverly's blog How Sweet The Sound

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